Monday, November 28, 2011

Big Nude (1967-1968)

                                                                 Big Nude (1967-1968)

This work of art was Chuck Close's first large format figurative painting, and in fact it's the only work of its kind. Close never painted a full body on this scale again. It is 10 by 22 feet long. The model used was an attractive woman but according to Close not an exceptionally beautiful one. He painted her very realistically, including things such as tan lines, pores, and stretch marks. When asked about this Close replied, "I was trying to be very flat-footed and effect this translation (of a photograph) and not editorialize and not crank anything up for greater effect." Personally, I think that this piece is interesting because it seems so different from what Close usually paints.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if he changed her face purposefully or exemplifies a learning curve though, his next painting , "the big self portrait" is exact.
